Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord

Tuesday, July 14th, 2020 

We are the herd of His pasture. God always does what He says. This is why we must walk confidently. He knows your tomorrow. We should never walk with fear but always with confidence. Before the flood came, God had already prepared something for His people somewhere. God is not ignorant; He knows what is going on.

We should never be surprised. “When these things begin to happen, straighten up and lift up your heads, for your deliverance is approaching. "(Luke 21:28) This world has to go through what it has to go through, but we know that God has made the promise to us. Like Abraham, hoping against hope, having a full conviction that what He promises, He fulfills.

God's goal is for His people to achieve perfection. “Therefore, be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. "(Matthew 5:48) If God has said so then it is a deep will of God that His people be so," in order to make this glorious Church appear before Him, without spot, nor wrinkle, nor anything like it, but holy and blameless. (Ephesians 5:27) No one can stand in the presence of the Lord unless He Himself has drawn him. God accompanied Isaiah so much to the heights to grant him this grace to show him something special that was to mark his life and change his outlook on being. He was able to see the throne of God and consider the greatness of that God. When he saw this, things changed.

Isaiah 6: 1-7

When you see Him and meet Him, your life will never be the same again because that is a hallmark that He imprints on you. You enter another dimension. You have met someone so high that no spirit or angel can take it from you. That's why this man, Paul, could stand there with that confidence and that authority. “But when we ourselves, when an angel from heaven preach another gospel than the one we preached to you, let him be anathema!” (Galatians 1: 8) There was something special about this man, he had met Jesus on the road to Damascus. “But when it pleased him who set me apart from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son to me, so that I may proclaim him among the heathen. (Galatians 1: 15-16) We are told 6 wings because this is important. You have to see when God speaks, that's why He said to Jeremiah: "What do you see, Jeremiah? I replied: I see an almond branch. And the Lord said to me, You have seen well; for I watch over my word to carry it out. "(Jeremiah 1: 11-12) All the trees are alike, you can confuse but there it was clear. The eye of an eagle knows how to  differentiate things. We need the spirit of discernment so that when things are mixed up, you see the right way. This our Father gives it to us as the son of God. We are not vultures, we are eagles. The eagle soars so high that the higher it goes, the better it sees. We must take into consideration the privilege that God gives us. Angels, who are not on earth and have never sinned, cannot even lift their heads to look at Him and they continually cry out for the holiness of God. So what would be the attitude of someone like me who is on this earth with all the filth that I come across? This God takes the trouble to look at me Isaiah. If we could just understand these things, we will stand really straight our God is very exacting in the things that He Himself finds. The people were in joy, the ark was coming back into the camp but yet when Uzza got hold of the ark, God killed him. He had a good feeling; God doesn’t have the same emotions as we do. God had already said that only the Levites had this charge and never on the chariot but on the shoulders. When Isaiah saw this, he knew that for him it was death because he was unclean. When we talk about sanctification, it really means that you become a saint. Our God, when He begins a thing, He always finishes. He does it in depth, He cleans the inside, He uproots. “Sanctify them through your truth: your word is truth. "(John 17:17) When God does work with you, it is not on the surface. It can strike, it can hurt. The Word is like a hammer, it has to react to uproot.

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