God has left us a wonderful legacy: His Word. He does all things through His Word. All of us who have known this Love look forward to that day when we will go with Him. If we did not have men like Peter, Paul and the others who gave their lives for this Gospel, then we would have had the wrong Gospel. They had their weaknesses. "He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit, for without me you can do nothing." (John 15:5) Loving is hard, but with Him, our hearts overflow with love.
Joshua 3:1-3
There was an obstacle before them, Jericho. Jericho was very well protected, this city was impenetrable because its walls were thick. When you looked at the people of Israel, you saw them as miserable. These people were led by Moses. Moses was also considered miserable. To lead a people, you have to know where you have to go, you have to make a path. But Moses didn't know where he was going, he went around and around in the desert. Men establish strategies, but Moses' strategy was different, it took 40 years.
The people came out of Egypt. When they came out, they would normally have to protect themselves, to go into hiding, but here, this people is walking in the eyes of all. And on top of that, Moses leads these people to the Red Sea. This is a serious mistake. One could think that their God was ignorant! There were no boats, no way to escape. This is the natural eye. Our eyes must be different, let's consider the way God does things. When you trust your natural eyes, that's where the problems begin.
Imagine Bartimaeus, a blind beggar who had never seen since birth, it was always like that for him. To believe is a miracle. When you believe, you have difficulty believing, but when you don't see, you believe. Bartimaeus, hearing what he heard, believed. They said to him, "It is Jesus of Nazareth who is passing by. And he cried out: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" (Luke 18:37-38) This man had not read the Scriptures, but he had heard. As he listened to the Word, depth entered him. Faith clings like that. One day will come, I will see.
May we in this generation also be willing to die for Jesus. You can take everything, but leave me Jesus! We need Him. He is everything to us.