The seed is the word of God

Acts 15:13-18

God turned away from the people of His choice. "But as for the election, they are loved because of their fathers." (Romans 11:28) Abraham, the father of faith. God cannot forget the seed of Abraham because He made the promise to Abraham.

No one could think that, He turned His eyes to the nations to choose a people who would bear His Name. It is a people acquired. This people has a particularity: it pleases God. God has chosen a people. When God chooses someone, His choice has been well thought out. God has already considered the matter well. God cannot make mistakes. We can make a lot of mistakes because we don't know all the elements. "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. (Revelation 22:13) If God makes a choice about someone, it is because He has considered all the parameters.

Psalm 139:1-16

"When you pray, do not speak vain words like the pagans, who think that they will be heard by words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. (Matthew 6:7-8) There needs to be respect and fear for this God. You can fool everyone, but you can't fool God. He is the Almighty, He is omnipresent, omnipotent. Satan, never. That's why he needs demons.

God can't make mistakes about you. When He makes a choice, He has considered everything. Choosing is not picking up! Let's get serious in the things that concern God. A new year is coming, let's examine ourselves! Things have to change. The choice God made has an impact on the plan of salvation.

Hebrews 11:30-40

The walls of Jericho fell without chariots or rams, but simply by obedience. These people suffered, but you did not suffer like that. You are comfortable in your cozy places and you still complain.

Talk to your children and ask them why we go to this place? If they are doing this out of habit, there is no point. If you love them, do this. Job got up in the morning, he knew who he was, he prayed every day for his children. But you, you let them do as they want. That is not the love of God. That is the fear of God. When I love my people, I am demanding. You have a responsibility to listen to the Word of God. You play a lot, but God did not play in making His choice. If we stand here to sing, it is because someone died for it. You lead the life you want, but you reject what God has done. You despise God.

They could not reach perfection without this people that God has chosen for Himself. Who are these people? Where can you find these people?

We are in Laodicea, in the last age, that is the end. Jesus is coming back in this age. God Himself takes care of His Church. "I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) When we speak of the Church, we are talking about the people of God. Throughout the ages, God has always been faithful. "He remains faithful despite our unfaithfulness. God leads His people to perfection. "The God of all grace, who called you in Christ Jesus to his eternal glory, after you have suffered a little while, will himself perfect you, strengthen you, make you steadfast." (1 Peter 5: 10)

1 Peter 2:6-10

See the heartbeat of God toward this people. God cannot make mistakes.

Luke 8:4-13

To whom does the Lord refer when He says, "It has been given you to know"? It is the disciples that Jesus Himself chose. God is righteous in all that He does. God's will is that none should perish. The Word of God is preached to all. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) To know the mystery of the Kingdom of God, you need the grace of God. When God reveals His Word to you, it is because you are known by God. "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding, and revealed them to children. (Matthew 11:25)


The sower sows the good seed, there are no interpretations. This is what happens when you hear the Word. Who after hearing the Word, gives access to the devil to take that away? It is the same nature as Cain. God spoke to Cain but Cain did not listen and he gave the place to Satan. If Cain had obeyed God, he would not have killed Abel. "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came out of God and I come from God; I did not come of myself, but he sent me. Why do you not understand my language? Because you cannot hear my word. You have the devil for a father, and you want to do your father's bidding. (John 8:42-44) They sought to kill Jesus as Cain killed Abel. And yet, they called themselves believers...


God does not deprive anyone of hearing the Word, but it is their nature that prevents them from believing in the Truth. If you believe for a moment, what good can the Word do for you? The Syro-Phoenician woman saw this man from Galilee, she knew He had the ability to heal her and she believed. But look at the storm that came up. The disciples wanted to send her away, Jesus Himself called her a "female dog". But what did He have inside of her? PERSEVERANCE.


Each one must examine himself because death awaits you. You were born one day and one day you will die. Be careful, use the time for your soul. We need to be saved.

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